Sugar: Tastes So Good, But Treats Us So Bad!
According to some recent studies, sugar has been known to alter the brain more than any of the other stimulants tested. This included, but was not limited to many of the most potent illegal stimulants ever created. Although this study may seem odd, it indicates that sugar may be harming our bodies more than we really know. With this slightly alarming information, 1Team Fitness encourages you to re-evaluate your sweet tooth.
Try these helpful tips to ease your sugar cravings!
Alleviate some of your sugar cravings by consuming more lean proteins and healthy fats. Also known as "the foods that fill you up" lean preotein such as turkey, chicken and fish along with healthy fat choices such as nuts, avacado and coconut oil have less of an effect on the body's blood sugar than carbohydrates, including sugar. Eating 4-6 meals per day filled with lean protein and healthy fat will reduce hunger and cravings for sugary foods.
Have You Been Spicing It Up Lately??
One great advantage of adding spices to your meal is that it will enhance the flavor without adding aditional calories. Select spices that will naturally sweeten food to reduce sugar cravings. Try spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cardamom.
Go Au-Naturale!
When sugar cravings arise, turn to fresh fruit or natural sweetners. Fresh fruit have the health benefits of both fiber and water along with adding that little sweetness that you so dearly crave. Some natural sweetners that 1Team Fitness utilizes as a replacement for artificial sweeetners are honey and maple syrup.
Time To Bust A Move!
One efficient way to combat those tempting sugar cravings is to stay busy. If your able to apply your attention to any specific task or activity your less likey to give in to any unwanted cravings. Keeping your mind and body occupied may reduce sugar cravings all together. 1Team Fitness specializes in ways that allow physical and mental concentration to alleviate these temptations, allowing you to continue on your journey of living a healthy lifestyle. Book your fitness vacation today to embark on your greatest fitness extravaganza ever!!