“You Have A Wedding Dress To Fit Into!” 5 Ways To Help!
Avoid Fad Diets.
As promising as they may sound with all the large weight loss results in a minimal amount of time, you may find yourself worse off than you started. You will most likely lose weight, most of which will only be water and possibly some muscle. That's not even the worst part! When you stop the diet, all the weight will be put back on again. Furthermore, a sudden weight loss may effect the prior alterations made to your beautiful wedding dress, leaving the dress unsuitable and costing you even more money to fix it. Establishing a proper 5-6 snacks throughout the day/night and maintaining a proper nutritional plan will eliminate any of those circumstances from happening and keep you looking great without any worries.
A Bride-to-be Needs Her Beauty Sleep.
Sleep is just as important as any other aspect regarding looking your best on your big day. Your body posses a hormone named Ghrelin and is the hormone that makes you hungry. When you don’t satisfy your body’s need for rest, its levels increase. This is your body’s way of getting more energy from food that it didn’t get from allowing your body to rest. Get your 6-8 hours a night and prevent this from happening.
Keep a Picture of Your Wedding Dress Handy.
This can only help you during your journey towards looking your best in your dress! It will provide a motivational boost when required and remind you of what you’re working towards. Visualizing yourself wearing your dress and having an amazing wedding can and will happen! But don’t keep that picture too handy; make sure it’s not somewhere your fiancé can see it 🙂
Drink Plenty of Water.
Believe it or not your body may mistake the need for water for the need to eat. Avoid the confusion by staying hydrated. Keep a bottle of water handy at all times and periodically sip on it throughout your day. Another benefit to water consumption is the ability to help your body get rid of toxins. I suggest grabbing a bottle you can tote around with you and figure out how many refills you'll need to get your daily fill. Eight glasses a day is a good round number, but the amount of water your body requires is really based on your weight.
How much water do you need?
Divide your weight in half. The resulting number equals the ounces of water you should be drinking every day.
Helpful Water tid bit: Get a filtered water pitcher for better-tasting water, and add a few lemons or limes to your water bottle to give it some flavor.
Team up!!
Start a fitness program with your bridesmaids. This will provide you with the support, accountabiliy and fun you'll need to conquer your goals. It is easy to get side tracked especially, during the hectic weeks leading up to your big day. 1 Team fitness offers our all new Bride Boot Camp and can/will have you and your brides maids looking your best when it counts!! 1TeamFitness.com for more details.